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PAOCFC 100th Year Anniversary History Book

To past and present PAOCFC Players, Supporters and Stalwarts,


At the end of the 2025 season, the PAOCFC will celebrate 100 years of participation in the Amateur League. Members will be pleased to hear that the Club has commissioned professional author, Sally Collings, to commence the research and authorship of a 100 year History Book to commemorate this important milestone. Many will be aware that our Club is one of the oldest and most respected Adelaide Footy League clubs, and of course, last year saw great success with Premiership wins in both Division 1 and Division C1.


Notably, PAOCFC has won 36 premierships over the last 98 years, and of all Clubs competing, only Adelaide University has won more. Our history includes colourful characters, exciting moments, as well as highs and lows.


In this context, the recording of our heritage is important and the Club is seeking input and contribution from a broad cross-section of past players, supporters and Club stalwarts.


The PAOCFC 100 year History Book will:

  • focus on the formation and early history of the Club (including content from Dr Mervyn Evan’s 60-year history book published in 1985)

  • capture the culture and objectives of the Club through stories of people (those working behind the scenes, players and characters), places (eg ovals and social venues) and moments in time (premiership wins, highs & lows etc), and will

  • celebrate the Club’s most successful eras, its generational families and key milestones.

As part of this project, oral histories are intended to be recorded with a small group of significant Club statesmen and contributors. Two have been undertaken by Sally to date – with Bill Johnson and Max Basheer.


Should you have photos, records or memorabilia, etc which you would like to contribute, David Hassell, Colin Dunsford and I or any Committee Member would be pleased to hear from you.


You are welcome to view and fill out the online archival form here, where you also have the opportunity to upload digital photos and submit written recollections, stories or statements to provide to the Club and the Author for consideration for use in the 100 Years History Book.


Specific donation or lending forms will be available for any hard copy document or items left with us.


Additionally, if you are interested in contributing to our History Book by means of

  • providing details your own family’s involvement over the generations

  • stories regarding fellow footballers, ovals, eras and events

  • memories of the 245 Club and other venues, etc

  • lasting impressions, recollections or examples of our Club culture and values,

then we invite you to please make contact.


Tim Hall

Co-Chair, PAOCFC


M: 0417 874 429


Contribute to our History Book!

The Club remains committed to publishing the 100 Year History Book in early 2026, however we need contributions from our Community of any memorabilia in the form of:

  • Premiership Team photos, trophies, flags, guernseys, footballs

  • Photos or stories about any of the proposed themes including people (those working behind the scenes, players and characters), places (eg ovals and social venues) and moments in time (premiership wins, highs & lows etc)

  • Historical contributions of multi-generational families at whatever level and any reflection on what it meant to those family members


To facilitate an easier contribution process for our 100 Year History Book, we've created an online submission form. This allows you to upload digital photos, recollections, stories, or statements directly to our website. You can also register any physical items you wish to donate or lend. To access this online submission form please visit:


We we will also provide physical donation and lending forms, which will be available when you bring your items to the club, and they are left with us.


The Club will be holding two Collection Days at Park 9 on Friday 11 & 25 October between 10am to 3pm, light refreshments will be available.


The Author Sally Collings, PAC Archivist Kate Pulford and any of Colin Dunsford, David Hassell and Tim Hall in attendance to receive contributions and discuss any stories.


To ensure that your memorabilia or stories are available for Sally to include or assist her in the preparation of the 100 Year History Book, can you please make every effort to make your contribution by the cut-off date of Friday 1 November 2024.


Contributions of memorabilia will still be accepted after this date; however, it would be disappointing if Sally is not provided with the many stories, memories, impressions or perspectives of members of the Club Community of the Club’s 100 Years for inclusion in the History Boof for future generations to enjoy, as much as we have.


Please contact Tim Hall, David Hassell or Colin Dunsford, whose contact details are below:

Colin Dunsford: E:  M: 0417 088 117

David Hassell: E:   M: 0414 305 857

Tim Hall: E:  M: 0417 874 429

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